Sources and Resources

» Plato’s Republic (PEL EP 40)

»  Magna Carta (1215)

» Second Treatise on Government (J. Locke 1690)

    • PEL Podcast: EP 37 Locke on Social Contract: Below

 »  The Declaration of Independence

»  The Federalist Papers

    • PEL Podcast: EP 65 The Federalist Papers: Below

 » The Spirit of the Laws (Charles Louis de Secondat, aka Baron de Montesquieu, 1748)

    • PEL Podcast: EP 239 Separation of Powers – Montesquieu: Below

»  Yale Open Course: Montequieu

»  The United States’ Constitution (1787)

»  Amendments to the US Constitution (I-XXVII)

»  Interactive Constitution

»  The Emancipation Proclamation

»  The Gettysburg Address

»  Martin Luther King, Jr.

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»  ScotusBlog

»  Oyez! The Best Site for Supreme Court Cases!

»  Word Etymology (it’s good to know what we’re talking about)

» Case Chart Note (sample) Establishment and Speech cases

» Due Process: Rights of the Accused


» T Jefferson to Madison – Generational Obligation under Social Contract

» Constitution Day 2023 (CSM 09/18/Const day 2023 0918 fnl v3]



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